Friday, June 28, 2013

Home Gym – How to Make Your Own Home Martial Arts Dojo

One questions I often get asked is how to make your own martial arts dojo at home. This is usually a question from students that participate in our long distance home study course for the martial arts. So here is a simple list to create the best home dojo at a cost you can afford – simply buy what you can or need for your own focused development.

LOCATION First, you need a place to train. Since this is about making a home dojo we are going to assume you have some space available. I have used a garage, a backyard, a room in the house and the combination of all three on numerous occasions. Since the back yard would be closer to creating a mini-ninja camp. Let’s focus on using an indoor location. The bigger, the better. If you can get a garage – great!

FLOORING The first most important part of your home dojo is going to be the floor you train on. As most garages are cement, you need to find something you can train on without risking injury. I suggest that you get interlocking martial arts Puzzle Mats or what is commonly known as Jigsaw Mats. These mats come in squares so you can purchase only what you need. They can be placed on the floor in a matter of minutes by connecting them together like you would that of a puzzle. These mats are also easy to pick up if you want to have space for something else.


Try to get at least on full length mirror if you can’t devote one entire wall. A mirror is a great way to train and develop your skills. It is one of the fastest ways to turn yourself into a self-taught warrior.

PUNCHING BAGSI suggest two types of punching bags. First is a free standing bag that can be moved. Something like Century’s Body Opponent Bag would be perfect. You will use this to fine tune your strikes and kicks. Next you want to get a heavy bag. Something that is longer than your body and very tough – like a good Muay Thai bag. Century also sells a good one of these too.

WEAPONS WALLVisit the hardware store like Home Depot and get some Peg Boards and Hooks. These are very easy to set up on a wall and can be used to store / display your weapons and training gear. This will give your home dojo more of a martial arts ambiance and feel.

Everything else you get should be personal and based on you own individual needs. I would add a climbing wall, kettlebells, stereo, and stretching devices. I also like to have a white board for goals setting or thoughts. Your home dojo can be a mental gym too.

To see more information on Puzzle Mats, Punching Bags and Martial Arts Gear, please visit the web site Pad-Up Martial Arts Equipment.

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