Friday, July 26, 2013

How Can You Get Rid of a Cold Sore REALLY FAST? – Cold Sore Cure Tips

I have just developed a cold sore and school starts in like one week! I don’t want to be that girl with the gross cold sore on the first day of school!! Please help! How can you get rid of a cold sore REALLY FAST ?

As you might already know, many people have cold sores which they want to treat really fast . If you have this condition and want to quickly get rid of it, then I know exactly what to do! When I got a cold sore I had to deal with some really important coming up very soon too so I was very desperate if you skin is not sensitive try putting on some germ-x right before you go to bed, It will sting just a tad but when I woke up the next morning it was pretty much gone!

Cold sores are the result of a virus in our system. Lysine is the answer. 2000mg. dose should be taken at once, followed by 500mg every hour on the hour for 8 hours. This may be accompanied by an initial 1000mg dose of Vitamin C, followed by 500mg. every hour on the hour for 8 hours. The cold sore should be greatly reduced, or completely annihilated at the end of the 8 hours, if dosage has been followed exactly. Hope this is fast enough for you. Good luck.
Here is a step by step plan:

1. Take 1000mg of L-lysine 3 times per day for 3 days.
2. Avoid coffee, chocolate, nuts and oatmeal: these things feed cold sores

With a clean Qtip, apply rubbing alcohol to the sore every 2-3 hours, this may burn a bit, but it will start to dry the sore up.
4. At bedtime, place regular white toothpaste on the sore, this will dry it out overnight.
5. Drink plenty of water with lemon juice, this helps your body’s immune system to fight the virus.

Do you want to discover the best and most effective cold sore remedies? If yes, then I suggest you get a copy of the Cold Sore Free Forever e-book.

Follow this link ==> cold sore free forever, to read more about this natural treatment book, and discover how its been helping 1000′s of cold-sore sufferers allover the world.

Read more.

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