I consider myself somewhat of a cold sore expert. I’ve suffered from them since I was about seven years old, and sometimes had to deal with two or three sores at a time, every month or two. I tried every ointment, pill, drug, and voodoo magic solution offered online, and at best, I was able to reduce my time spent with my sores, but they never stopped forming. Luckily I discovered a natural cold sore cure that has kept me free of the nasty blisters for over three years. If you’re looking for cold sore help, read through this article.
Cold sores are a product of the herpes simplex type 1 virus (HSV-1). HSV-1, once it finds its way into your system, it never goes away. However, if you know what HSV-1 feeds off of your system, then you can essentially cut off its food supply and make it (and your cold sores) go into remission forever.
HSV-1 is at its strongest when your body’s internal environment is very acidic. If you follow the standard Western diet of lots of meat, grains, and cheeses, then you likely are giving HSV-1 exactly the kind of nutrients it needs to thrive and grow. In order to neutralize this environment and cut off HSV-1′s food supply, you need to balance your acidic foods with more alkaline foods, like green vegetables and yogurt. These items will create a neutral pH balance in the body, and will give HSV-1 nothing to feed off of, and allow it to go into remission.
To continue reading about getting cold sore help [http://coldsores.its-fyi.com] naturally using your diet, click here right now [http://coldsores.its-fyi.com].
Thank you for reading!
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