Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to Start Being Healthy the Right Way

Being healthy does not require much. It really simple. All you need to do is to have a positive outlook on life even when you’re in despair or stress. Try thinking outside the box for a moment and make yourself happier. Studies show the happier the persons mental health is the more he or she is motivated to exercise. Another great feature to work on is hygiene. Try to at least shower once a day and keep yourself in a clean state. This means brush your teeth, picking out some nice clothes, and getting up in the morning. Don’t sleep forever- you’ll miss the whole morning. Being healthy requires that you make yourself a set routine sleep schedule. You need to stick to 6 to 7 hours at night and try waking up around the same time. 6 to 7 hours insures that you have what the energy to feel good whenever you wake up and start the day on the right foot. Breakfast is essential to a good day so don’t forget it.

While on the topic of food I have to say the food you eat does show who you are. Eating right means eating when your only hungry. Not at 12 am , 3 am, and 5 am. No don’t do that. Don’t eat when you should be sleeping! A proper dinner is at least 3 hours before bedtime. Eat nothing after dinner – if hunger strikes just drink lots of water. Believe it or not your body does not actually move much during sleep. This means your food is in slow digestive mode and takes a while to break down the food you ate at dinner. If you eat right at bedtime you risk it all going to fat or straight down to belly fat. Finally, set a schedule for exercising daily. Whether it be running, cycling, swimming, set a specific time such as 10 or 15 minutes and stick to it daily. After you have done this you can slowly increase the time.

Enjoy the new year and be healthy!


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