Monday, July 15, 2013

How to Make Your Computer Last Longer

Computers do not last forever otherwise manufacturers’ would give unlimited warranties to their customers. Unfortunately most of these devices only last for an average of three years and do not function optimally for over half the time. When this happens our options are limited – we can either discard, replace or upgrade the gadget. However, as it is not advisable to just throw away a device that was bought with hard earned money I would say the best options would be to either replace or upgrade it.

Most computer faults usually occur in one of the following hardware.

The Video Graphics Adapter (VGA) which helps the computer provide its video output could easily be upgraded if it develops a problem. After replacing the old hardware, ensure its appropriate driver is also installed.

The Random Access Memory (RAM) assists the computer process data depending on its size and capacity. Simply upgrading this hardware could improve system performance.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the heartbeat of the computer. It controls the execution of programs on the computer and could be quite difficult to upgrade without tampering with the motherboard hence replacing the computer might be a better option if the CPU develops a fault.

The Hard Disc Drive (HDD) is where all documents and program files are stored in the computer. This is probably one of the most common hardware to upgrade. Some computers can be expanded to have more than one HDD while if you are running out of disc space there are plenty of cheap and affordable HDDs in the market to upgrade your computer.

The Motherboard is the circuit board on the computer. It usually develop breaks down due to overheating or electrical faults. Whenever this happens, it is simply better to replace the system as you don’t want to be toying away with electrical tools like the soldering iron, etc.

Whatever your decision, it is very important to make sure it is carefully thought through and influenced by cost, safety and electronic-waste management considerations.

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