Saturday, June 15, 2013

Make Fast Money Online For Free

The absolutely best aspect of doing business online is the fact you can choose how much money you want to spend, or not spend, as the case may be. You can spend anything from a huge amount of money setting things up, to spending nothing. So, set up costs can range from thousands of dollars, or not even one penny.

All the tools required are available for free. The free version won’t be as good as the paid obviously, but they do get the job done as you shall see.

Firstly, you need the knowledge to learn how to set up your business. One useful site is called seomoz. It has information about how to do search engine optimization and marketing via the search engines and having a successful online business all for free. Search engine traffic is highly targeted and effective.

Next you need some kind of site. For free you can use WordPress (hosted on their domain) Blogger, Tumblr or Squidoo. These allow you to set up your own site where visitors can land on.

A good idea is to track where your visitors are coming from, any ads they click and any products you are selling, whether they are affiliate offers are your own product. For this you can use “Google Analytics” a quite robust testing and tracking software that place on your new site.

Now you want to actually start getting visitors to your new site, right? There is no point having a site if it isn’t getting any people seeing it, right? You need to promote it using the methods you learned from seomoz. Also you want to use social media because it is also free.

The sites I recommend are Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. All three can be promoted for free. Just set up a Facebook account get followers. Also do the same with Twitter. With YouTube you create videos using a software called Camstudio, which is also no cost. Then create videos on your chosen topic and submit them to Youtube. They will be potentially viewed by all the people who are looking for videos on the topic.

Next you need an autoresponder. Icontact has a free option available where you don’t pay anything for the first 500 subscribers. Email marketing is extremely important to your internet business, and since it is also available at no cost, there are no excuses not to have it.

As you can see, setting up and running an internet business can be done all for free.

Read more.

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